It’s been a tough week. While the Israelis have been literally bombarded, we’ve been bombarded with videos, many filmed by the terrorists themselves, of rape, murder by weapon and fire, and kidnapping of innocent men, women and children, and babies. The pictures are soul-numbing, and the last thing I wanted was to watch them. So I did. And so should you. Because the only way to affirm our humanity is to look evil in the face. Or we won’t face it at all.

We’re all aware of the great divide that has widened in our country over the past few decades and accelerated exponentially over the last 8 or so years. At least half the country has acknowledged the evils being perpetrated on a daily basis under the guise of the public good by the in-power Left. But nothing has highlighted our and the West’s cultural and spiritual decline as starkly as the reaction to the Hamas atrocities executed in Israel. One of the few bright spots in this ordeal has been the appropriate reaction to this war of the most radically progressive president in our history. While Biden’s pre-war policies may have contributed to the current debacle, his overt post-attack warnings to Iran and other potential bad actors, backed by the deployment of two US aircraft carriers to the region and materiel support, were welcome and necessary, both morally and to help deter a larger conflict. His unequivocal support of Israel’s right to defend itself and characterization of the offenders as brutal terrorists were also on-point. Frankly, with his history of lock-step obeisance to anything far left and extremely poor track record when it comes to both domestic or international policy, it surprised me. Unfortunately, on the left and to a smaller extent on the (predominantly far) right, there is a disturbing division in the country regarding an issue that, it would seem, should scream unity. The condemnation of Hamas’ actions has been met with a rallying by many behind the terrorist group not only internationally, as might be anticipated, but domestically as well. And anyone who isn’t alarmed by this needs to urgently reevaluate their moral compass.

In the seats of power, the usual suspects such as the Squad have made their lukewarm reaction to brutal terrorism clear. The Michigan State House legislators rejected a minute of silence for the Israelis killed and taken hostage! Even more troubling are the large protests in favor of the Palestinians and Hamas in places such as NYC and around the country. Large gatherings of radical, mostly ignorant, brainwashed students have proclaimed support of terrorism on multiple university campuses. All of this cannot be solely ascribed to ignorance, though. There clearly has been a resurgence in antisemitism, with Israel the sole nation denied an appropriate response for its own defense from an existential threat. Calls for cease-fire and drawing a moral equivalence between the brutal targeting of innocents of all ages and the unavoidable collateral damage in crowded Gaza by the IDF, a military force that routinely goes out of its way to promote civilian evacuation before attacking, is execrable. And collateral damage there will be: Hamas discourages its civilians from evacuating, while hiding themselves and their deadly materiel among them, precisely to increase collateral damage, knowing a complicit media will unfairly paint Israel in an anti-humanitarian light. Yet, given the opportunity to allow refugees from Gaza to escape via a corridor into Egypt, Egyptian authorities have refused. While 20% of “apartheid state” Israel’s citizens are Arab, no Muslim nation has accepted governance of the Palestinian people, and zero Jews are permitted to live in any of the Muslim nations.

The idea that the Israelis are “occupiers” is belied by history. The Palestinians don’t antedate Jewish residence in the land, and they are not interested in a 2-state solution. They have said as much, many times. Their goal is extermination of the Jews. In refusing the “land for peace” deal in 2000 granting land PLO leader Arafat demanded, President Clinton blamed the Palestinian leader for its failure. Gaza and the West Bank were ultimately ceded to Palestinian rule. Under Hamas, the people of Gaza became pawns for their Intifada against Israel and the West. They publicly admitted they feigned concern for governance of the Palestinian while planning the current attack to get the Israelis to let their guard down. Pipes donated by European nations for the sewer system were appropriated instead to make bombs, as a propaganda video that originated with Hamas itself demonstrates. Now pro-Palestinian voices are trying to blame Israel for turning off the power and water the Jewish state has supplied for free that the governing body of Hamas did not. This while Hamas uses its people as shields and propaganda tools because, as they’ve explicitly told us, they value death the way the Israelis and the West value life. Exposing their own children to injury and death, rather than protecting them, is viewed as “martyring” them. The supporters of Hamas either agree with this, or can’t wrap their minds around the fact that these terrorists don’t value their own children the way they do. Or they are engaging in willful ignorance. And hiding behind a shield of ignorance won’t justify or change the reality of terrorists hiding behind a shield of innocents.

The above self-deception in many of the supporters of Hamas and the Palestinian cause is fueled by the belief that no culture is superior to another. This is demonstrably untrue. (For example, Muslims, but not Jews, can worship freely at the Temple Mount. Muslims can travel without fear in Israel, but Israelis enter Muslim territory only at their great peril.) But ideology, as I’ve said many times, breeds stupidity, and stupidity makes you a useful idiot for evil.

Some will say, “But not all Palestinians and Muslims are evil.” Perhaps not. But that doesn’t prevent them from from being part of the problem. Putting aside the fact that the Palestinians themselves placed Hamas in power, where are the Muslims counter-protests in the streets against the terrorist barbarism? Where are even the rush of public statements dissociating themselves from the movement? The “good” Muslims are there, some may argue, afraid to speak out for fear of retribution. In the face of evil of this magnitude, the absence of courage is no longer an option. It seems the rise of Nazism is already forgotten. The bright side to all this, if there is one, is it is uncovering the magnitude of evil and the rise in antisemitism for all to see, and exposing the individuals engaging in it to the light of day.

So look at the videos. Sure, they’ll suck a lot of the joy out of your day. But they’ll recalibrate your humanity, rekindle appreciation and gratitude for what you have, and will support, in a small way, the millions of Jews now suffering much more tangibly and immeasurably from the loss of family, friends and countrymen. And pray for them. Let this time of tribulation strengthen your bond with those you love and your faith in God, in the end the true source of inner peace and joy.

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